Gayle B our winner of the Ameicana ornie for the Post a Comment contest received her ornie yesterday, so I'm posting a picture of it and the ornies I've received in an online Americana Ornie swap I was in with some of my online friends. All the ornies were awesome as usual and I hope you'll enjoy seeing them all.
This one is Lady Liberty made by me for the swap and also one that was won by Gayle. I used a pattern by Sonja Sandell of Hickety Pickety.
A great big awesome Uncle Sam by Kathi R. I just love the size of this one!
Annie by Deborah B, how adorable is she in her flag dress and Happy 4th tag.
Flag by Joanne G. I think it's message says it all and I love the popsickle sticks!
By Kim L--A real picture of her grandmother in the year 1918--Awesome!
By Christine S--this is coolest ever needlefelted sheep!
Glory Bee! By DiAnn R I just love the theme! So Cute!
July 4, 1812 by Rosemary W--Primitively Cool!
Liberty Annie by Phyllis S. This picture just doesn't do her justice.
Lots of wonderful detail as always.
I'll have one more to share at a later date. It's always a bit sad when these swaps are done. I've been swapping with these gals for about 7 years now and have the most awesome collection of ornies for all the holidays and then some and I look forward to many more years of swapping.