Here are just a very few of the things I have on my Wishy Wanty list............
I found these gorgeous porcelain French charms while blogging this evening. I want a pink one a blue one a star one and one with a ladies pictures on it. I found them here..............
Then I want and will be getting for sure! one of these books...............found here originally...............
And I would love to have just one plate--I don't really need a whole entire service for 12--see I'm not greedy! of this gorgeous brown and pink Spode dinnerware. I have no clue what the pattern is. I found this while surfing and forgot to mark who's album it was in.
And last but not least and really not last either, because I have a very long list of wants, I would love, love, love to own any doll created by Nicol Sayre--found here...... Nicol is my all time favoritist artist and favorite blog!
Dear Fairy Godmother, Magic Genie, Good Witch of wherever, or any other magical super power with a wand, I've been very, very good--as always--and these are a few of my wishes I would like to have granted--please--with a great big sugar plum on top.
So do tell--what is on your Wishy Wanty list?