I have to show you all the awesome ornies I've received in our annual Halloween Ornie swap with a few of my friends from the P&R Board. As you can see it's been a fantastic swap!

The flying witch was made by me--it's a wool applique with black chenille trim (around the outside edge--kinda hard to see) and a rusty jingle bell. Can you hear her cackling!

Oooooo ghostie is by Sandy Schutt. I just love this ghostie and believe it or not in all my 6 or 7 years of halloween ornie swaps this is my first ghost and he's fabulous!

The very cool grinny pumpkin guy is made by Ann Hole of Australia, so he had a ways to travel and he looks just awesome on my tree. I just love him!

I just love this fabulous vintage pumpkin crepe paper ornie by Mary Burke and look below at the back side of it. How cool is that!

This fantastic little punkin' head scarecrow is made by
Christine Shepard . She even hand stitched on his little buttons! Lots of nice little details on this awesome ornie.

How cool is this guy! Also my very first mummy--he is made by Kathi Rode. Just awesome! I love how she made him out of the cheesecloth--the perfect thing to use!

Oh now you should see all the little pieces in this awesome altered art piece by
Kim Lance I love the frog prince and how the little witch looks like she's gonna fly right off that moon any time. Very cool!

Look at this awesome little guy made from a domino by Marla Millsap. The picture doesn't pick up his deataling very well, but he's just too cool--vintage and altered art at it's best!

Wow, now this little witch made by Tracy Yarbrough is too shy--no she's hiding behind her raggedy ann mask...........

BOO! See! There she is and isn't she just fantastic! She has the cutest little orange glitter shoes that are hiding and I love her little face!

Fantastic Pumpkin Jack is by Phyllis Shows who is a superb painter! Phyllis never ceases to surprise me with her talent and wonderful pieces.

And this cool little pumpkin dude--also made by Phyllis is really a pin, but he's sitting at the top of my little feather tree until I'm ready to wear him, so he has double duty!

Didn't I tell you these ornies were the best! I have one more yet to come and I hope it's a bit slow, because when it arrives it means it's all over---but then I guess I have the next swap--our Fall/Thanksgiving Ornie swap and then the big annual Christmas Ornie swap! Yippee! I better get busy! A great big thank you too all of my swapping friends for such wonderful ornies!