Monday, September 21, 2009

Our US Constitution

I had a fabulous learning experience this weekend. I went to a day long seminar about the US Constitution and it was fun! Yes, I said fun! I learned so much! This past week was Constitution week. Did you know that? I didn't. It's not even on any of my 3 calendars. How sad is that. Well now I know.

I took my 10 year old daughter with me--she insisted on going and this was a 7 hour long seminar with only 2- 10 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch and she sat still the entire time and soaked it up. We had workbooks to follow along with and today she took hers to school to share with her teacher.

The seminar was given by Earl Taylor president of The National Center for Constitutional Studies. They have seminars all over the country and they also have a free Webinar (the same thing I went to) or rather Webinars, because it is divided into 4 1/12 hour series. Click HERE to check it out. There are even worksheets you can print out to follow along with. The in person seminar was quite fascinating. Of course you have lots of audience participation, so it's a bit different. I think this would be great for home schoolers too. Their website if so full of wonderful information for everyone!

It truly was an eye opening experience about how far we have strayed from the Constitution and an excellent history lesson that I intend to keep pursuing. A very good weekend indeed!