First of all let me say a great big THANK YOU! to all of my wonderful blog Followers! I appreciate you!
Next though is my temporary problem that I hope you my fellow bloggers can help me out with. I have been having troubles seeing my Followers on my blog and I can't see them on your blog and I can't join in to Follow on other blogs. I know this is a Blogspot issue and I have contacted them, but they are just too slow. So what's a girl to do!?
I have cleared my cache, made sure 3rd party cookies are enabled, have no new or changes in my firewall, pop up blocker or other like things. I use Mozilla Firefox for my browser and run Vista. I have tried IE and even downloaded Google Chrome and STILL have the problem, so if anyone out there can be of help I would most certainly appreciate it. In the meantime YES! by all means keep on Following. I just need to get this little buggy glitch worked out. Thank you!!
Next though is my temporary problem that I hope you my fellow bloggers can help me out with. I have been having troubles seeing my Followers on my blog and I can't see them on your blog and I can't join in to Follow on other blogs. I know this is a Blogspot issue and I have contacted them, but they are just too slow. So what's a girl to do!?
I have cleared my cache, made sure 3rd party cookies are enabled, have no new or changes in my firewall, pop up blocker or other like things. I use Mozilla Firefox for my browser and run Vista. I have tried IE and even downloaded Google Chrome and STILL have the problem, so if anyone out there can be of help I would most certainly appreciate it. In the meantime YES! by all means keep on Following. I just need to get this little buggy glitch worked out. Thank you!!