Wishes really do come true and fairys really do exist, because today my Whatever Fairy so graciously granted me one of my wishes! Seeeee! Isn't it beautiful!! If you remember a few weeks ago I had a Wishy Wanty list and this gorgeous Spode plate was on my list and now I have been blessed by my Whatever Fairy! I absolutely LOVE it and the picture just doesn't do it justice. It's gorgeous!
And look how beautiful the back of this plate is!
And then as if my fairy weren't sweet enough already she also granted me this beautiful crown (I think that may be her picture on it!) and sewing tin (boy does she know me or what!!) and a fairyfly was found inside the tin to prove that fairys really do exist!
Thank you soooo very much dear Whatever Fairy! I LOVE all the treasures you have granted to me and will treasure them forever! Big hugs to you!