Friday, June 1, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

Yup, my online friend and fellow blogger Kelley B of With Hook & Needle has tagged me!

So here are the 7 random things about myself......

1. I was born and raised in So Cal and call Idaho where I currently live my home.

2. I can touch my nose with my tongue. Wanna see! ;)

3. I would wear all of the clothes in the Victorian Trading Company catalog if only they came in my size!

4. I am slightly dislexic--just ask the husband when we're in the car and I'm reading the map!

5. Jesse James is in my family tree with one or two other bank robbers in more recent years.

6. I have red hair and green eyes and get sunburnt even driving past the beach--thankgoodness I live near the mountains!

7. My deepest, darkest secret is........well I'd tell you if I could remember myself!

I'm off to tag a few of my other blogger friends. Stacey, Laura and Terri--watch out, here I come--Tag you're it!!