Here we are again--another Show & Tell Friday hosted by Kelli , so don't forget to pop over and check out the other Show & Tells.
My sister is eagerly awaiting my Show & Tell Friday as I sit here and type and she's several states away, so here ya go Rhonda. This is my favorite pumpkin doll and since fall is just around the corner I thought I'd have her sit for her picture, posed next to a pumpkin from our garden. Isn't she cute and see how nicely she sits with a great big smile! Very photogenic! LOL! An online friend--Bridget White made her for me several years ago and I just love her. She sits out year round, so I can enjoy her--she pouts if I put try to box her up with the other decorations. I'm not sure that you can see it, but she's sitting on a pumpkin table runner made for me by my good friend Trudy Stubbs. I can't wait to pull out all the other fall decor!As of today only 23 more days til the official start of Fall! Yippee! I had so wanted pumpkins in our garden this year and the husband insisted--NO Pumpkins! Well guess what--I have pumpkins and I didn't plant them--they came up volunteer from last year--or as I prefer to think of it--my Fairy God Mother planted them for me. They're sprouting up right in between the squash plants and trailing off on their merry way with a trail of little round pumpkins dangling from the vines just waiting to turn a brilliant fall orange! I hope to have my front porch and steps covered in pumpkins! Next year I'm planting giant pumpkins and jadite green pumpkins--can't wait to see those!