Welcome to Show Me~Wednesday!
Since June is the month for weddings I thought it would be fun to see everyone's wedding dress and don't forget to tell us what year your wedding was in and any special details you'd like to add. It'll be fun to see the styles through the years, so get out your photos, scan them in and post them on your blog so we can see!
Here's how it works....Each week we have a theme of what we would like to see. Snap a photo for us and post it on your blog and then fill out the Mr. Linky near the bottom of the post with your blog name and blog addy and it'll automatically add you to the list so other bloggers can come and see what you are sharing.
Feel free to add the banner above to your post (right click and save it to your own computer please), so it makes it easier for guests arriving at your blog to find your Show Me~ Wednesday post.
Each week we'll also list the theme for the coming week--at the very bottom of the post, so you can prepare and be ready to share!
Don't forget and leave comments where you visit. We all love to hear from our visitors.
This Weeks Theme--Show Me Your Wedding Dress
Since June is the month for weddings I thought it would be fun to see everyone's wedding dress and don't forget to tell us what year your wedding was in and any special details you'd like to add. It'll be fun to see the styles through the years, so get out your photos, scan them in and post them on your blog so we can see!
Here's how it works....Each week we have a theme of what we would like to see. Snap a photo for us and post it on your blog and then fill out the Mr. Linky near the bottom of the post with your blog name and blog addy and it'll automatically add you to the list so other bloggers can come and see what you are sharing.
Feel free to add the banner above to your post (right click and save it to your own computer please), so it makes it easier for guests arriving at your blog to find your Show Me~ Wednesday post.
Each week we'll also list the theme for the coming week--at the very bottom of the post, so you can prepare and be ready to share!
Don't forget and leave comments where you visit. We all love to hear from our visitors.
This Weeks Theme--Show Me Your Wedding Dress

We were married in 1981 and will celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary in November. I thought I'd show a close up photo, so you could see the husbands attire too--all spiffed out in a white tux with tails complete with top hat. Isn't he cute!

And now for a view of my wedding dress. I wanted the big white frilly dress and if I were doing it today, I'd still want the big white frills. I would however change my veil head piece to a tiara, but other than that I still love my dress. I remember it was featured in Bride magazine and I paid $350.00 for it. My mother in law thought I was nuts! LOL! If only I could still fit into it! We paid for our own wedding and we spent a total of $1700.00 and yes got everything we wanted and that included our rings! You sure can't do that today. And he helped with all of the planning including choosing the colors--pink and burgandy, which was just what I wanted--sort of surprising for two people who pretty much are opposites for the most part, but it seems to have worked out after all these years. LOL!
Ok, your turn. Please show us your wedding dress. Please make sure that you post photos on your blog and then add your name and blog URL to the Mr. Linky box below. Your name will appear on the list as a link, so others can click on your name and be whisked off to your blog and see what you have to share.
Next Week's Theme
Show Me Your-- Americana Decor
If anyone has any suggestions of what you'd like to see in future Show Me Wednesdays, then please post it here and I'll add it to the list.
Thank you!
Ok, your turn. Please show us your wedding dress. Please make sure that you post photos on your blog and then add your name and blog URL to the Mr. Linky box below. Your name will appear on the list as a link, so others can click on your name and be whisked off to your blog and see what you have to share.
Next Week's Theme
Show Me Your-- Americana Decor
If anyone has any suggestions of what you'd like to see in future Show Me Wednesdays, then please post it here and I'll add it to the list.
Thank you!