Saturday, May 19, 2007


Last week I had the wonderful opportunity to hear Richard Paul Evans , author of The Christmas Box and other wonderful stories, speak at our church to our womens Relief Society group and one of the first things he said was that this was his writing season and that he usually saved such engagements for his public season. Well for some reason that stuck with me--I have no idea why, but after mulling it over all this time it finally dawned on me today that maybe I should have sewing seasons. One half the year for serious designing and the other half the year for not so serious sewing--making those things I want to make, but never get around to. Of course I think there would be some overlap of the two "seasons", but it may keep me more focused when I need to be and not wear out my mind so darned much! It would certainly help on not getting burned out and maybe slow down the creative blocks that seem to come around every so often. Who knows maybe I've found something to organize my time better! LOL!
He did have 4 points in his talk that night to us--(the seasons not being one of them) in short without all my notes they were-- 1. There is a divinity to our lives. 2. Take chances and risks in our lives to realize our potential and possibilities. 3. We can't become all that we are meant to be without adversity. 4. In the end it's all about love.
Richard Paul Evans certainly gave me a lot to ponder on, so I'll think a bit on each one--but first I'm going with the seasons! ;)