HO! HO! HO! Welcome Everyone!

I thought we'd start in the laundry room, since this is where we enter the house--through the back door. A small tree decked out in homespun bows on old clothespins and rusty jingle bells....

....a little old fashioned looking doll.....

...a prim santa on a candlestick.....

....a bit of Christmas cheer for the dryer. I borrowed the candy cane in the mason jar lamp idea from
Aunt Amelia's Attic....and the snowman cookie jar I searched and searched for and feared had gotten lost---he was hiding in the box marked--Snowmen. Imagine that! LOL!

....My Prim tree filled with handmade ornies that I've swapped with friends over the years. This is by and far my very favorite tree! I usually put up 3 full sized trees, but this year I only put up 2, because this house just isn't configured to my way of decorating....

.....a few close ups to follow of some of the wonderful ornies made by friends on the prim tree......

....my new little vintage Dancing Santas on the fireplace....and no it's not dusty, it's just the way it looks no matter what I do to it......

...The big ol' nutcracker in front of the "regular tree"......(the family is not fond of my prim tree--I just don't get it!)...

....little miss annie and Ted E Bear (handmade by my dear friend
Donna Balfanz)...enjoying the season all snuggled in their little red sled enjoying the glow of the candlelight.
Don't forget to see all of the other wonderful homes over at
Southern HospitalityOh and don't forget there's still time to enter my