Vintage Christmas Monday, so don't forget to visit
Anything Goes Here and see the rest of Vintage Christmas out there in Blogland.
This week I decided to share some very vintage photos of Christmas when I was growing up. They aren't the best photos, but they are the only one's I have, so here goes.....

I am the oldest of the 3 of us--the redhead. The blonde is my younger sister Rhonda and the baby is my brother Greg. This would be 1966. I was 5 years old, we lived in Capistrano Beach, Calif and these would be our Christmas outfits for 1966, purchased with
Green Stamps. Does anyone remember Green Stamps and also Blue Chip stamps? I remember my mom used to collect them--I think they "earned" them at the grocery store by how much they spent each trip and the little stamps would go into books that you then turned in at their stores to purchase things.

Here we are in about 1967/1968. I was 7 or 8 years old and we lived in Escondido, Calif, where I spent the rest of my growing up years. Don't you just love the ugly tv on the even uglier tv stand. It was black and white and no one had heard of remote control. That's what kids were for! LOL! Oh and that lovely non-descript tan carpet was later replaced with just as ugly new and fashionable green shag carpet--the kind you had to use a special rake to run through it. Thank goodness it is now the future. LOL!

This would be that same Christmas on Christmas morning, still lots of presents to be opened. The lady in the white suit is my Aunt Barbara, next is my mother, me, my sister, brother, Grandma Long and my dad fixing something. Notice the lovely pole lamp in this photo. Thankfully my mothers taste of decor improved greatly later on! LOL!

The year is 1971 and I am 10 years old and my sister and I are wearing matching dresses that my mother made us of swiss polka dot, with bell sleeves. Very stylish for back then! We are at my Aunt Debbie's house and since she had twins that were crawling she put the tree in a playpen that year.

Christmas eve 1972 modeling our new Christmas jammies in the living room--the room no one was allowed in except for special occasions-which was ok, because it was ugly--again with decor for the time--red shag carpet, gold velvet furniture with a mediteranean style--a couple more years down the road yet before mom finally got some good decorating taste--she eventually went antiques and victorian and has stayed that way ever since.
Can you see the white tree on the table top--it's made out of toothpicks poked into styrofoam balls and sprayed with the fake canned snow. I remember it came out of the Family Circle or Women's Day magazine and I remember the three of us kids helping to poke the gazillion toothpicks into those styrofoam balls--ouch! Boy am I glad we are in the future! Hey some vintage is just meant to stay in it's own time! LOL!

And last but not least is a picture that finally had it's mystery solved for me this year thanks to Aunt Barbara--who I need to email and no I haven't forgotten you--just keep getting sidetracked. Anyway this is about 1967, so I would be 6 years old. I knew there was a photo of Aunt Barbara modeling a bathroom rug--why I had no clue. My mom kept telling me that couldn't be so, but here it is--Aunt Barbara modeling a bathroom rug and shower cap. How chic! LOL! She said my sister and I had gotten matching stoles that year--I'm wearing mine as you can see and so she decided to model her new bathroom rug just to be silly. I knew my memory wasn't off. LOL!
A little different for Vintage Christmas Monday, but that's how my vintage Christmases were in sunny, southern California way back when.
Oh and don't forget there's still time to sign up for my little giveaway--